Friday, January 11, 2013

8 Weeks and Counting!

We finally had our first prenatal appointment! I was so stoked, and anxious. I guess you could say that it went well, the doctor said that everything looked good so far. I guess that was all I really needed to know, considering the "worry wart" that I am. All I kept thinking up to that day was- What if we do the ultrasound, and there's nothing in there!? I know that's ridiculous, as I've felt so icky the past 7.5 weeks...obviously there's SOMETHING in there. I'd like to attach a photo of the ultra sound, but at this particular point in time, I'm not too sure that I know how. I'll have to click around and then come back and add it when I figure it out.

One thing about the appointment, was that I didn't like my doctor very much. Now, I feel bad saying that, because I really don't know what to expect with an Obstetrician, seeing as I've never been pregnant before now. I just felt like she was very unenthusiastic, not very friendly, and maybe a little annoyed. I don't know. Maybe she had a headache or something. I'm considering switching doctors. My Aunt went to the same Kaiser as I go to, and she said she really enjoyed her doctor. So I think I might switch to him. My only reservation is that he's a HIM, and I've never seen a male doctor before. While it sort of would have bothered me in the past, I sort of feel like it all of a sudden DOESN'T bother me now. I guess I feel like, ya seen one vagina, ya seen 'em all. It's probably not really like that,  but I checked out his little webpage thing, and he seems like a stand up dude. I'm sure anything would be better than the Ice Queen we visited with previously.

Also a little frustrated with some whack ass thing called JURY DUTY! I remembered while at my appointment that I have this ridiculous schedule for jury duty. We were trying to schedule an a mandatory class that all pregnant Kaiser patients have to attend. At first, I was kind of excited to have been picked to be part of a grand jury. Now that I have received the schedule, not so much.They need me for 15 days! 15! I feel like that's a lot. I double checked the schedule when I got home from my appointment and realized that we scheduled the class, on one of many jury duty days. So now I have to reschedule. Pain in the ass, I tell ya. I guess now I can call and reschedule AND switch my doctors.

Anyhoot. I've been feeling much better the past week or so. No nausea, at least not all day long. And I'm less tired...still not able to sleep through the whole night, cause I gotta get up and pee, but at least I'm not just laying there tossing and turning all night.

Since my appointment, and confirmation that there is indeed a baby growing inside me, I feel like I am able to focus a lot better now. Before, all I was thinking about was baby baby baby (ohhhh)...But now I can just shut that part of my brain up, get some real work done, read a few pages of this book I was so excited for (sadly, it sucks) and just let the babe do its developmental thing.

So, that's all for now! Take care!

(I figured it out!)
(It wasn't hard. :) )

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Baby On The Way....

Surprise, surprise...I'm 6 weeks pregnant. What a shock that was to discover, let me tell you. I'm fully aware of how babies are made, but for some (stupid?) reason, I just never believed that would happen to me..NOW.

I have to say that I am GLAD. Ecstatic, actually...along with nervous and shitting my pants scared. I went to the doctors for a completely different reason-- I was having kidney pain, so I thought I had a kidney infection, or kidney stones..or something of the sort. Told the doc my symptoms, and she said, "yep, that sounds like stones," (which I've had in the past) and sent me down to radiology for a scan. The radiology tech asked the mandatory, "Are you, or is it possible that you are pregnant?" and even though I did not think that I was, I thought the responsible answer would be, "yea, I guess being pregnant is a possibility...". She then asked when the first day of my last period was, which was November 14th. She looked sort of shocked and said "Well, today is December 14th, so you should have started by now!", to which my response, was to bust out my iPhone, go to my Period Tracker App and show her, "No! This tells me I'm due in 2 days! my cycles are usually every 32 days, more or less." She told me she did not feel comfortable giving me a scan until it was for sure that I was not pregnant, and while I thought, what a pain in the ass this is, I was ultimately thinking, what a good tech, me and my potentially unborn baby thank you!. She sends me off for a blood test, then back to radiology to wait, and then the nurse tells me, " Oh, well, I guess you're results are posted, but they wont give them to us, your doctor wants you to come back up so she can discuss with you." And again, I'm thinking...what a pain in the ass this is, all this for them to tell me that I'm not pregnant, and then to send me back down to wait in radiology for the scan. So I go back upstairs and see my doctor. And BOOM. I'm PREGNANT. Just like that.

At least I don't have kidney stones. ;)

I feel like this wittle babe I'm growing is a gift. I found out that I was pregnant, exactly ONE week after my Grandfather passed away, and one day after he was buried. So I cant help feel the bittersweet feeling of, we just lost one family member, but now we get to welcome another. I sort of feel like my grandma, (grandpas wife, who passed in 2008) had something to do with the timing.

I go to visit the doctor for the first time on January 9th, at 330 pm. Scheduled it for later in the day, so Baby Daddy wouldn't have to miss work to join me. Now I'm kind of kicking myself in the ass that I didn't take the morning appointment because I am already feeling SO impatient and just want that day to be here already! I cant wait to get my little picture of the little jelly bean!

I've been feeling so nauseous already. Haven't barfed (lovee that word :) ) yet, so that's good. But it really sucks feeling sick all day. I changed from taking my prenatal vitamins in the morning, to taking them at night, to help with the nausea and it seems to be helping a little bit. I've been shoveling food down my throat like the big heffer that I am, already. One thing that I'm a little bitter about is that a week or so before I found out I was pregnant, I had made a vow to myself that I was going to get my health going in the right direction. More salads, less burgers. More walking, less sitting on my ass. Eventually quit smoking. I've never had any desire to be SKINNY, but just healthy. I guess being pregnant will sort of help me towards the things that I want, since now I've quit smoking (which was not as hard as I thought it would be, perhaps because I just love my babe enough already :) ) I have eaten a lot more salads since I've found out, but the sitting on my ass thing is just one thing that cant be beat right now. I've been so exhausted! I swear, all I want to do is eat, and sleep. I am so frustrated though, because I am so tired, but I, for some reason, can not sleep through the night!! I guess that would be okay if i didn't have to get up and go to work...but I do, so it sucks! Everything I've read says this all gets better after the first trimester, so I've got six more weeks of this restlessness to go. Best believe that I am seriously counting down.

A lot of things I've read say to keep a journal. So I guess I'll keep a blog. I'll update when I can..maybe weekly, or bi-weekly, or if something interesting happens. Feel free to leave comments, words of encouragement, advice, whateva--but lets keep it positive, cause negativity is a bitch. ;)
